And that name is Emmi. Emmi is Dorri's daughter. On April 1, 2022, Dorri started this upscale resale boutique with the dream of one day handing it down to Emmi.
Helping Emmi become a successful business owner was not Dorri's only dream. She also understood the importance of Emmi growing up to be a strong, independent woman. This is why if you're in the boutique you will more than likely see Emmi at the store, learning diligence as well as the in's and out's of being a business owner.
We, as a staff, share the belief that young girls must be encouraged to believe in themselves and must be taught the necessary life skills to turn their dreams into reality. This is part of the reason why we partner with several local non-profit organizations in Wexford and Osceola Counties. We look forward to doing even more to empower women in our community and would greatly appreciate your support with this goal!